Friday, August 6, 2010

International Revolutionary Artist

Art has been for every society in history a way to relate to the world around them. Artists with the vision to perceive the world for what it is, what it isn't, or what it could be help us to look at things from a different perspective. It's a visible way for them to describe what's in their minds so we can better appreciate the beauty of the world around us. For many it goes much deeper than that. Religion, mythology, and philosophy are explored in art, giving depth to the beliefs that shape our society. By design it is thought provoking. The viewer might be angered by the subject of a piece or they might be moved by the beauty of it. Regardless of the reaction each viewer experiences a depth of emotion was achieved.
Dr. Alexander Kanevsky is an internationally recognized artist. Paintings of large scale and bright colors and sculptures of astounding detail have inspired emotion around the world. Detailed depictions of humans mixed with mythology, animals, and religion to create an overwhelming and thought provoking piece. Some have raved of the beauty and depth of his art while others have been angered at the subjects. Cultural leaders of Nigeria commissioned a work to be displayed publicly in Nairobi while citizens of the town of New Haven, Connecticut complained of the inappropriate nudity when his art was displayed in their city hall. No matter the reaction, his work inspires emotion all over the world.
Alexander Kanevsky contributes a lot more than just his art to the world. He's also a respected doctor of medicine, a politician, and a martial artist. His vision and interpretation of the world around him takes other's breath away and moves them to extreme emotion. He dedicates a large part of his life to continuing the creation of paintings that make people think.

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