Friday, July 2, 2010

Alexander Kanevsky Kung Fu

How many people do you know that could be described as a respected artist, doctor of many sciences, author, politician, and martial arts expert? You might think this list describes several people, but in fact just one person meets all these descriptions and more. Doctor Alexander Kanevsky personifies dedication on a daily basis. He is known worldwide for his accomplishments in a number of fields. Often working over 18 hours a day, the doctor pushes himself to accomplish goals most people would never even dream of.

At the age of 24, Dr. Kanevsky earned his first medical doctor degree. Not stopping there, he has since become a respected professional in several other disciplines of medicine, including psychiatry, Tibetan medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, surgical oncology, and several others. Gaining the respect of both his peers and his patients, the doctor has authored several medical works ranging across a variety of topics. Awards from both the medical community and consumers leave no doubt of his excellence in medical practice. For many that level of professional achievement would constitute goals of a lifetime, but he didn't stop there.

Referred to as Super Renaissance Man by respected members of the cultural community, Dr. Kanevsky has gained respect in the artistic community as well. Numerous critics and respected members of the art community have referred to the artist as ahead of his time. Visually striking art that draws hundreds of thousands in sales has made him one of the leaders in the cultural community. He is also a well respected novelist and essayist. While some strive for excellence in one career, this doctor has gained respect from all manner of professionals around the world.

Perhaps one of his greatest honors was the invitation to live with the monks of Shao Lin Temple of China. Because of strength of character, he was the first foreigner allowed to live with the monks and study Kung Fu from the masters. Reaching even one of the amazing achievements he has attained would be a lifetime of accomplishment for most. For the doctor, the list doesn't even stop there. An inspiration to many, his legacy will set the example for years to come.

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